WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'priority' in 'field list']
INSERT INTO wp_ypj3401150_actionscheduler_actions ( `hook`, `status`, `scheduled_date_gmt`, `scheduled_date_local`, `schedule`, `group_id`, `priority`, `args` ) SELECT 'action_scheduler/migration_hook', 'pending', '2025-02-09 08:37:03', '2025-02-09 02:37:03', 'O:30:\"ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\":2:{s:22:\"\0*\0scheduled_timestamp\";i:1739090223;s:41:\"\0ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\0timestamp\";i:1739090223;}', 1, 10, '[]' FROM DUAL WHERE ( SELECT NULL FROM DUAL ) IS NULL

Our Services – Baitul Ilm

Our Services

Food Pantry

The Interfaith Food Pantry is a volunteer-run service program that has been regularly serving Illinois for years.

Every 3 months, Baitul Ilm’s Sunday school students volunteer to gather and donate as many items as they can to support local families. The Food Pantry program has become a beacon for diversity, unity and friendship. We welcome adults, children and interfaith groups wishing to connect and serve.

Helping those
in need

There are many community outreach, interfaith and volunteer opportunities at Baitul Ilm. Please let us know how you’d like to serve the community by emailing us at baitulilm@gmail.com